Multidimensional Mom

Navigating Change in Midlife Motherhood with Carrie Summers LCSW

Episode Summary

Let's have a therapy session! As a mom in midlife, changes are endless and yet, still a struggle. Come with us as we explore ways to deal with change positively and productively.

Episode Notes

Today we welcome back our favorite clinical social worker and therapist, Carrie Summers of Wildflower Healing and Wellness. Changes are always happening in midlife motherhood, but too much at one time tends to cause overwhelm. Come with us as we discuss parenting burnout; support (and lack thereof); changes in relationships, friendships, and marriage; estrangement; boundaries; and grief. Phew! It's a lot, but we're all dealing with so many of the same things. Join us in a healing and relatable conversation.

More about Carrie:

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Check out Mental Health Mondays with Carrie and Elizabeth on the Modern Domestic Woman: