Multidimensional Mom

Total Eclipse of the Sun (and Big Eclipse Energy!)

Episode Summary

Are you singing the song? We are. Find out the science and woo surrounding the big total solar eclipse coming up on April 8.

Episode Notes

It'll be 20 years until this happens again, so we'd better talk about it! On today's episode, we're bringing you the facts about the total solar eclipse on April 8 along with some astrological predictions and a summary of general eclipse energy. What kind of chaos will this eclipse bring? Well, Mercury is in retrograde, the eclipse is in Aries, and the sun and moon are conjunct to Chiron, so.... a word of caution. However, there are ways you can use the eclipse energy to your benefit, and we'll cover them! But don't go charging crystals, making moon water, and for GOSH SAKES don't buy an alien plant! Listen in for all the fun details.

Eclipse resources from NASA:
